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Marine Issues

Problems at sea in areas beyond inshore waters are of particular concern to salmon - visit the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization web site for further information. Closer to home, sea lice remain a major factor limiting sea trout production. Predation by seals is regarded as a significant problem in some parts of the WRFT area; the impact to fish populations is hard to quantify.

Sea trout and the seas around Wester Ross   [Close]
Sea trout and the seas around Wester Ross [click to enlarge]

Sea Trout and the Seas Around Wester Ross

This poster (click to enlarge) shows how the survival and growth of sea trout may depend upon many factors within the coastal marine environment.

Note that a larger Adobe PDF version is available for download, below.

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  • Wester Ross Fisheries Management Plan 2023 - 2028
    This interactive plan provides information about pressures affecting wild salmon and sea trout populations in the Wester Ross area, and proposes a series of actions required to protect, support and strengthen wild fish populations in the Wester Ross area. Comments are welcome, please contact the WRFT Biologist at .  Posted: 05/04/2024 (372KB)
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  • WRFT Newsletter October 2023
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  • Fishy Tales by Sea, Gairloch 21 October 2023
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  • A voluntary marine nature reserve for Gairloch?
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  • Angus's Boat song 16 April 2023 words and story
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  • Towards reformation of inshore fisheries
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  • Cryptocotyle lingua (blackspot) on juvenile cod in Loch Ewe, autumn 2022
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  • Little Loch Broom BRUV Surveys 2022
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  • Wester Ross Marine Protected Area an introduction
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  • Herring Fisheries & West of Scotland Herring Hunt
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  • Maerl by Prof Jason Hall-Spencer
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  • Finding Salmon and Sea trout around the Wester Ross MPA
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  • Maerl biodiversity and carbon poster
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  • Welcome back to new WRFT_7MB
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  • Welcome back to new WRFT_18MB
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  • Skye and Wester Ross Fisheries Trust Review September 2020
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  • Spring spawning herring recorded on video to west of Red Point
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  • Wester Ross Spring Spawning Herring Poster
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  • Gairloch An Dun headland snorkel trail draft leaflet
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  • Gairloch Seashore & Snorkel Trail discovery day 11 July 2018
    Notice of forthcoming event on Gairloch Golf Course beach.  Posted: 22/06/2018 (537KB)
  • Report from wrasse protection areas discussion meeting
    Report from a meeting in Ullapool on 4th May 2017 to discuss a proposed voluntary network of protection areas for wild wrasse (Ballan wrasse, Corkwing wrasse, Goldsinny wrasse, Cuckoo wrasse and Rock cook) within the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area. .  Posted: 25/05/2017 (724KB)
  • Sandeels & sea birds to the west of Melvaig, May 2017
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  • Wester Ross Fisheries Trust Poster of Activities 2012
    This poster was prepared in 2012 to summarise the activities of the Trust in freshwater and marine environments. Production was supported by the Scottish Government via RAFTS.  Posted: 17/01/2017 (8.94MB)
  • Response to Wester Ross MPA Conservation Measures Dec 2015
    WRFT response to the Scottish Government's consultation on draft Marine Conservation Order December 2015 regarding fisheries measures for the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area, submitted in January 2016.  Posted: 20/01/2016 (144KB)
  • Response to Draft Marine Conservation Order for Wester Ross MPA
    This document provides some comments regarding the Scottish Government's Draft Marine Conservation Order for the Wester Ross MPA consultation in July 2015.  Posted: 28/07/2015 (379KB)
  • Response to Scottish Government MPA Management consultation
    Here is our response to the Scottish Government's 2014 Consultation on fisheries management measures for new MPAs in Scotland. The response provides answers to questions in the2014 Consultation Response document relating to the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area. It also includes proposals for a permit system for fisheries within the MPA and for stepwise progression towards a system of management of inshore waters that will achieve nature conservation objectives and fisheries which are more productive and valuable than those of the past 20+ years.  Posted: 28/01/2015 (1.07MB)
  • WRFT Review January 2015
    This review covers an 18 month period from July 2013 to December 2014 (with Jan 2015 update from Wester Ross Area Salmon Fishery Board) and presents a summary of the results of fish juvenile fish surveys, sea trout and sea louse monitoring, fish farming related issues, surveys on the Isle of Skye, a Little Gruinard macro-invertebrate study, mink monitoring and other activities carried out by the Trust.  Posted: 21/01/2015 (7.09MB)
  • Wester Ross MPA some possible management scenarios
    A one page discussion document outlining a series of progressive management scenarios for the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area.  Posted: 20/08/2014 (198KB)
  • Wester Ross Marine Wildlife Poster
    This poster shows some of the marine wildlife habitats and marine wildlife to be found around Wester Ross including habitats of nature conservation importance within the possible Wester Ross Marine Protected Area. Copies are available from WRFT.  Posted: 18/07/2014 (1.22MB)
  • Problems for Sea trout in Wester Ross
    This presentation has been tidied up from one given at the sea trout and sea lice management workshop at Aultbea Village hall on 20th February 2014. Data for sea lice and other factors affecting sea trout in Wester Ross are summarised. The presentation concludes with an outline for a Scottish Sea Trout Project aimed at improving our understanding of how different factors affect sea trout in different parts of Scotland.  Posted: 21/02/2014 (6.57MB)
  • SG Marine Protected Area consultation response
    Response submitted on behalf of Wester Ross Fisheries Trust to the Scottish Government's Marine Protected Area Network Consultation in November 2013.  Posted: 21/11/2013 (171KB)
  • WRFT Review of Activities 2009 to 2012
    This review summaries the work of Wester Ross Fisheries Trust during the period 2009 to 2012 in support of the WRFT Fisheries Management Plan 2009+, and sets priorites for future activities.  Posted: 11/12/2012 (2.62MB)
  • WRFT Review July 2012
    This is the latest 'annual review' which covers work carried out during the 2011 field seson, and includes sections on juvenile fish surveys, salmon catches, sea trout sampling (and sea lice), arctic charr, interviews with herring fishermen, and WRFT schools based project.  Posted: 04/07/2012 (1.83MB)
  • Local Community Third party bid for a Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area for Gairloch and Loch Ewe
    Local Community Third party bid for a nature Conservation Marine Protected Area for Gairloch and Loch Ewe, submitted to 30th May 2012; file updated on 1st June with additional letter of support.  Posted: 31/05/2012 (1.21MB)
  • a local community MPA for the Gairloch area?
    Presentation by Peter Cunningham at the meeting in Gairloch Community Hall on 7th May 2012 to consider options for developing a thrid party bid from the local community for a Marine Protected Area for an area around Loch Gairloch.  Posted: 11/05/2012 (10.08MB)
  • Sea trout 197mm Loch Ewe 13 Sept 2010
    Sea trout 197mm and sprats Loch Ewe 13 Sept 2010.  Posted: 14/03/2011 (194KB)
  • WRFT Review May 2010
    This annual review present a summary of the work of the Trust over the year 2009 to 2010 including surveys of juvenile fish, sea trout in the sea, invasve non-native species, catch records, and a range of fisheries management and education projects.  Posted: 17/05/2010 (5.52MB)
  • WRFT FMP 2009+ Summary
    WRFT Fisheries Management Plan 2009+ Summary and Contents page.  Posted: 25/02/2009 (4.06MB)
  • Sea Trout and the Seas Around Wester Ross
    This poster shows how the survival and growth of sea trout may depend upon many factors within the coastal marine environment.  Posted: 24/06/2008 (76KB)