WRFT Sea trout Monitoring Reviews
These reviews present the results of sea trout and sea lice monitoring within the WRFT area, and present related analyses and discussion.
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WRFT Sea trout Monitoring review 2012
This report presents the results of sea trout and sea lice monitoring in 2012 within the WRFT area, and considers the occurrence of larger sea trout in Wester Ross and other parts of the West of Scotland. Posted: 12/04/2013 (6.05MB) -
WRFT Wild Trout & Sea Trout Report for 2011
This report provides the results of monitoring sea trout in the sea and in spawning burns in Wester Ross in 2011, including the results of sea lice monitoring. Posted: 04/03/2013 (8.90MB) -
WRFT Sea trout Monitoring Review 2009-2011
This report presents the results of monitoring of sea trout around Wester Ross in 2009 and 2011. Posted: 04/03/2013 (1.95MB) -
WRFT Sea trout Monitoring Review 2007-2008
This report presents the results of sea lice monitoring of sea trout in the Wester Ross area and explores releationships between levels of infection of sea trout by seal ice and salmon farms. Posted: 04/03/2013 (1.84MB)