Responses to consultations
Responses to planning applications and consultations
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Angus's Boat song 16 April 2023 words and story
The song Angus's boat tells the story of the fisheries around Gairloch, Wester Ross. Angus was a fisherman who lived at Big Sand, by Loch Gairloch and whose wooden row boat was pulled up on the shore by the Sound of Longa. WRFT Biologist, Peter Cunningham often met Angus on the shore when he lived nearby; Angus also told his stories to Sue Pomeroy as part of the herring fishers project. Gairloch Museum also has recorded conversations with Angus. . Posted: 17/04/2023 (171KB) -
Angus's Boat song 16 April 2023
Song by Peter Cunningham based on true story. Angus Bain was a fisherman who lived at Big Sand, by Gairloch. Much of the story is based on conversations with Angus, when Peter lived nearby (2002 - 2005) and the boat was pulled up on the shore by the Sound of Longa. The tune Angus's Boat was played by local ceilidh band Melvaig Mist around 2010, words were added by Peter and Dorje Khandro (aka Joanie Bones) in 2021 - 2022. A more pro' recording is planned for - one day . . . Please see accompanying file for further information about song. . Posted: 17/04/2023 (5.21MB) -
Response to Wester Ross MPA Conservation Measures Dec 2015
WRFT response to the Scottish Government's consultation on draft Marine Conservation Order December 2015 regarding fisheries measures for the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area, submitted in January 2016. Posted: 20/01/2016 (144KB) -
Response to Draft Marine Conservation Order for Wester Ross MPA
This document provides some comments regarding the Scottish Government's Draft Marine Conservation Order for the Wester Ross MPA consultation in July 2015. Posted: 28/07/2015 (379KB) -
Response to Scottish Government MPA Management consultation
Here is our response to the Scottish Government's 2014 Consultation on fisheries management measures for new MPAs in Scotland. The response provides answers to questions in the2014 Consultation Response document relating to the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area. It also includes proposals for a permit system for fisheries within the MPA and for stepwise progression towards a system of management of inshore waters that will achieve nature conservation objectives and fisheries which are more productive and valuable than those of the past 20+ years. Posted: 28/01/2015 (1.07MB) -
SG Marine Protected Area consultation response
Response submitted on behalf of Wester Ross Fisheries Trust to the Scottish Government's Marine Protected Area Network Consultation in November 2013. Posted: 21/11/2013 (171KB) -
Response to MH Loch Torridon September 2008
Comments submitted to the Wester Ross Area Salmon Fishery Board regarding a Marine Harvest application to modify their lease of a site in upper Loch Torridon. Posted: 19/11/2009 (86KB) -
Response to Beinn Eighe NNR Management Plan September 2009
Response from Peter Cunningham to Beinn Eighe NNR Management Plan. Posted: 02/10/2009 (174KB)