Meeting Agendas
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Refertilising Wester Ross 7-9 April 2016 programme
Programme for three-day meeting to review issues relating to the fertility and productivity of land and freshwaters in Wester Ross, including speakers for the workshop on Friday 8th April in the Gairloch Community Hall. Posted: 28/03/2016 (810KB) -
Marine Seminar 29th May 2009 Poolewe
Programme for the Marine Seminar on 29th May 2009 at Poolewe. Posted: 26/05/2009 (231KB) -
Agenda for Sea Lice Review Meeting, Gairloch, 16 April 2009
Agenda for the WRFT Sea lice Review Meetin on the 16 April, 2009 at Gairloch Community Hall. Posted: 31/03/2009 (237KB)