TWG Sea lice monitoring report for WRFT area in 2008 on-line
Posted: Wednesday 22 October, 2008 @ 09:01:58

The parasitic sea louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, has caused major problems for wild fish, especially sea trout, in the Wester Ross Fisheries Trust area. Since 1996, the WRFT has monitored sea lice abundance on sea trout, particularly those which return prematurely to freshwater in the late spring and early summer. Please click here for background information.
During the spring and summer of 2008, WRFT carried out a series of sweep nettings to target sea trout and monitor sea lice in Loch Ewe (Boor Bay), Loch Gairloch (Kerry Bay), and Loch Carron. Elsewhere within the WRFT area, the Tripartite Working Group's Regional Development Officer for West Sutherland and Wester Ross, Ailsa McLellan, led sweep net sampling at the mouth of the River Kanaird (north of Ullapool), in Little Loch Broom and in Loch Long (near Dornie).
Ailsa's report which presents a summary of the results of monitoring for sea lice infestations in West Sutherland and Wester Ross in 2008 is now on line at the TWG website and can be downloaded by clicking here.
Sweep net sea lice monitoring in 2008 (-2009) was funded by the Scottish Government via the Tripartite Working Group.