Wester Ross Marine Wildlife Poster: draft for comment
Posted: Tuesday 14 May, 2013 @ 10:36:17

PS (July 2014): Please click here or on link below for Final Poster
Please click here, on the link below or the photograph to see this draft Wester Ross Marine Wildlife Poster. The poster has been developed by WRFT Biologist Peter Cunningham whilst recuperating at home from a minor operation (now back in normal active working order!). The poster aims to raise awareness of the diversity of marine wildlife around Wester Ross and the habitats that are important for wildlife and local fisheries. If you look carefully you might even find a sea trout . . .
The poster has also been developed to coincide with the development of the proposed Northwest Sea Lochs (Wester Ross) Marine Protected Area. All comments on this current draft are invited: the painting is incomplete and there are many animals to tidy up and some to add . . .
Subsequently the intention is to print A1 copies of the poster for sale at local outlets to help raise awareness of marine wildlife and to raise money for our local biodiversity group, Wester Ross Environment Network (WREN)’s, local biodiversity project grants programme.
So please reserve a space on the wall in your bathroom at home or at work, and come to Wester Ross to enjoy some of the wildlife and fishereries . . . !
All comments to info@wrft.org.uk please.