Pete Minting replaces Jonah Tosney at WRFT and UHI
Posted: Thursday 6 December, 2012 @ 17:51:50

Dr Pete Minting has started work as a fisheries biologist for WRFT and research assistant with the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI). Pete is replacing Jonah Tosney, who recently secured a job as Nine Chalk Rivers Project Officer for the Norfolk Rivers Trust. We thank Jonah for all his hard work over the past two years and wish him all the best in his new post! Pete recently completed his PhD at the University of Sussex and Institute of Zoology, having previously worked in Scotland as a biologist for the Ayrshire Rivers Trust from 2004-2008 and West Sutherland Fisheries Trust in 1997.
Contact details:
Tel: 01520 722882 (Strathcarron Centre)
Mobile: 07825 341284 (same as Jonah’s old work mobile)